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signs and instructions
in traffic

(manual traffic control)

You will learn how to carry out manual traffic control safely

(e.g. in the event of a traffic light failure or major events).

• Initial situation leading to traffic regulation
• Concept of administrative act
• Specificity and form of the administrative act
• Allocation of tasks in accordance with the Police Act
• Legal bases of the traffic regulation acc.

   §§ 36 Para. 1-4, 44 paragraph 2 sentence 1 StVO

Official liability claims due to § 839 BGB in conjunction with Art. 34 GG 

• Practical exercises in road traffic

Target group:

Prison employees who have attended a basic training course.


Presentations, class discussion, case studies, hands-on exercises

A notice:
The practical exercises in road traffic are carried out on the 2nd and 3rd day of the seminar. For this it is necessary that the participants appear in uniform and also bring the following items of equipment or clothing with them:

• white service cap,
• warning vest,
• white cloth gloves and
• Whistle.


We will set up the seminar as soon as

there are enough registrations


3 days (24 lessons)

Seminar management:



EUR 549.00 course fee
including documents and consumables

Please also note our cancellation policy.

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